Curriculum Vita

Texas Ecolabs; 2016: Continuing de novo transcriptome assembly of three Icterid species with divergent maternal care
Texas EcoLabs; 2015: Profiling neurogenesis-related markers in the hippocampus of male and female Brown-headed cowbirds
Hofstra University Faculty Development Grant; 2015 Testing the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis in male songbirds affected by mercury
Texas EcoLabs; 2014: Exploring the evolution of brood parasitism in blackbirds.
Texas EcoLabs; 2013: Exploring the neurophysiology and behavioral genomics mediating the loss of maternal behavior in an avian brood parasite.
Hofstra University Faculty Development Grant; 2014: Losing the maternal ability: Identifying gene profiles associated with the evolution of avian brood parasitism.
Award from Research Coordination on Network Genetics and Genomics of Social Behavior 2016
Award from SICB for symposium at the 2017 SICB meeting 2016
Hofstra University Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research 2015
Young Investigator Award at Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology 2010
Travel Award for Animal Behavior Society Conference in Brazil 2009
Travel Award for International Ethological Conference in France 2009
Research Grant from Sigma Xi and SICB 2002-2003
NIH Pre-Doctoral NRSA Fellowship 2003-2005
Best Student Presentation Award at SICB 2003
Professional Development Award, University of Texas 2001-2002